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A final Gift for you This Year

The CBW is now learning to walk: and she wants gifts too, so shortly we open them. Hope your family/friends and especially you, dear wayfarer, have a grand Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and wanted to leave you a last free gift for the year: right now, you’re all downloading the cozy mystery, Criminally Quilted, free until the 15th, and thank you, hope you have a great time with it. However, I wanted to end the year with a bang for my readers, and I know your New Year’s resolutions are almost here, so to fortify yourself for whatever next year brings, I am offering this book for you to read during the leisure time between wrapping the last gift and New Years, a sort of start the new year right idea. I released as an ebook my newest book, this devotional, today; however, if you have a touch of patience, you can download a free copy the 16th. You just need to hit the button below to download

your free copy, only from the 16th til the 20th only. It saves you 2.99, the regular price to download it during the giveaway time of the 16th until the 20th of December, so do get your copy. Don’t miss it. Well, unless you,ike to spend money, in which case don’t wait, get it now. However, it will be available for you on the 16th, and the cozy is now, so blessings as much as I can offer all of you. If you wonder how you can move mountains, achieve goals, break chains, and live a fulfilled and mindful life, Paul had you in mind when he wrote Hebrews 11; look at the crowd of heroes he gave you as examples to live by. None of them were perfect, either. Hint: you don’t have to be; you just need to have the gift of faith. And it’s a free gift. Have a grand holiday season to all of you and yours. God bless.

Great-grandma made it all unbreakable this year and it’s a good thing; I’ve got most the bottom bulbs off and under furniture. Me and my doggy love to chase them. Wish you could visit on whatever Christmas day is, but we’ll all be thinking of you anyway.
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