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Just when you Think it’s Safe to walk Outside…

Yep! It snows. And then rains. And then, rains some more. We have puddles out there large enough to swallow Volkswagen bugs…or at least the CBW. She went shopping with Great grandma and when we returned, I got her out of the car seat, sat her down and then went to my door to grab my purse. In the time it took to walk around one door, she’d walked into a mud puddle literally up to her knees. We hustled in, got dry and stayed in the rest of the day, much to her dismay.

Since I can’t go back outside, can I have more toys?

We got the alpaca shorn and the CBW was horrified. She watched for a little while and then Dan took her to the house.

What are they doing to my pacas? They don’t like it.

And both lady poms have puppies, nine in all. This is the time of busy happy season, baby animals, prepping for the garden and we still have time to set up one last special for the month before it goes insane around here.

These ones are 3 days old and are about as small as a mouse-3-4 inches, and weigh about as much as an empty soda can-just over 2 ounces.

The special for this last week of the month of March which runs from the 24th of March to the 31st is our newest book, the Falconcrest Chronicles, all 760+ pages, a $1.99 cent special. It’s normally $6.99 since it is so large; it has all four books from the Falconcrest fantasy, the entire text, re-edited and marvelous to get lost in, in one book for just $1.99 from Amazon as a download. You want to get yours now before the price goes back up. If you love magic/tech, dragons, strange powers, brave heroes and braver women, medieval futures and terrible pasts, with a touch of romance, you are going to love the complete four book set!  get yours now before March 31st!

And now I need to give the CBW her bath and her bottle and curl her up to sleep. She’s been a busy little thing today, and needs her rest-and so do I. Blessings and see you under the imagination tree!

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