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Micah’s Quest

And can you believe it’s raining again! However, Tris, Dan, and I got the veggie bed planted this morning, so all is not lost; potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, beans of various kinds, 5 kinds of squash, eggplant, peppers and I have three more raised beds to fill. I still have more flower beds to compete and tomorrow is filled with a doctor appointment and a Bible study and watching the cutest great-granddaughter on the planet, so I decided I’d best get this going so I don’t miss it.

What do you all think of Mr. Musk buying Twitter? I’ve looked back a little historically and he seems to have made his money through hard work and ingenuity which I can’t fault, and he seems sensible enough and goodness knows Twitter needed some taming down, but I wonder how much will really change? You have any ideas on what could be done to make that media place less censoring and more inclusive? I have a few but I’d like to hear yours. You can just comment in the box below.

Hope all has gone well with you lately; it seems like spring, once it finally settled into itself, thought it was summer and we’ve had a bunch of 80′ days-and Friday is supposed to be in the ’90s, which is really unusual for May. I generally do my planting and such before noon, so I have time to work on my writing in the heat of the day.

My newest book, a space novel, ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/ B0B13ZCP1L) will be having its official launch day on May 31, so wanted you to know about it. It’s already on Amazon if you simply can’t wait for the opening day, but it won’t be on a 99-cent pricing until launch day-and launch day is going to be fantastic- we will be awarding the giveaway prizes (see our contests page). I have 40 books to gift to folks-no reason you can’t be one of them. What’s the book about? Well, since you asked…

Autistic savants Micah Oberllyn and his friend Sir Alex Stevens have grown up and found their places in the Oberllyn family think tank.  No one realized how serious the boys were about space travel until they started testing engines, using robots they’d designed to construct leaf ships, and quietly building a moon base as a stepping-off point for interplanetary colonization.   From Kai Dante to Catriona, the Oberllyn family is back and everyone joins in the attempt to make the project a success. A nemesis from the past targets them and they find themselves once again dodging control by more than one government, fighting elusive bad guys, and deciphering who can be trusted and who not and it isn’t always your family. If you like space travel, Micah Oberllyn, Sir Alex Stevens, autistic geeks, horrible bad guys, action, and adventure, you will love this book!  Autistic savants Micah Oberllyn and his friend Sir Alex Stevens have grown up and found their places in the Oberllyn family think tank.   If you like action, hero geeks, and horrible bad guys, you will love this book!  And no, Alex doesn’t smile very much, but gracious, can that boy juggle math! I’ll see you soon under the imagination tree-and if you haven’t signed up for the giveaway, there are only six days left-it closes on the 24th! So keep your powder dry, plant flowers, and join me in reading a good book.

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