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The Big Reveal

Hot Summer Specials and the Big Reveal!

(And writer’s tip number 6!)

Just had to get you a note letting you know all about the August specials and to do a reveal of the new cover for our latest book, coming out the week of the 21st as a freebie for all my fans and ARC folks to download. Here are this month’s 99-cent specials, as requested by the folks who answered my last email; these won out:

Just before Dying, He Prayed for You, an unexpected winner; several people told me they wanted to download a copy on kindles they were gifting folks, I am honored. To get your 99-cent download during the week of August 10 through August 17, just go to https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08W28G63X Thank you!

If you are one of those liking fantasy, and there are several, this is the book you chose: Forged in Water and Fire https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0815SK4MX will be 99 cents from August 14 thru August 20th.

And for my Sci-Fi people (You know who you are!) you voted for To Protect One’s Own. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KSRY4LC and it will be on sale for 99 cents August 28-September 1.

A month of specials, just as it is getting so hot and humid-at least here in Ohio, just the thing for long afternoons when it’s just too hot to move. Grab a lemonade, sit back in a swing or by the A/C, and relax. It’s what summer is about.

And, ( Loud drum roll!) our latest space novel has its cover; Becacovers did a great job, don’t you think?

One more edit through and it goes to print and will be launching the week of August 21 as a freebie for 4 days. image

That’s all for this week’s report! Tell your friends about us, and visit us on our webpage or Amazon author page-love to hear from you! Happy hot days of summer!

author page: https://www.amazon.com/J-Traveler-Pelton/e/B07837X14F/ref=aufs_dp_fta_dsk

webpage: https://travelerpelton.com

This week’s writing tip:

How well did you do with your characters? I can’t wait to read about some of them so be certain to turn in your work…guess that’s the old college professor in me rearing up its head. Here’s the next idea for you:

Now that you’ve got the main characters, you can add more as you write. It’s time to get to work on your plot.  First, what sort of book are you putting these folks into?  A cozy mystery? Science fiction? Historical novel?  I guess I should ask, what do you like to read?  You will do better if you choose a genre that is something you like to read.  The words will flow more easily.  Whatever genre, all fiction books have the following in common:  Characters, plot, (the proper name for the storyline), and the finale.  Or to put it this way, the exposition comes first:(The exposition is the part where you introduce the characters, the time or era in which the story is being set, and the mood of the book.)  Is it funny, scary, or adventurous?  Describe the where of the story; is it set in Canada, Ohio Amish country, or the moon?  Is it spring, summer, fall of the year 2025?  You set all this in the first chapter or two at most.You need to grab their attention; you need to make them want your book.  In the full lesson, I’ll have examples set in there but it makes the blog too long to do that, so just think of books that grabbed you in your genre and see how they used the words to catch your mind’s eye.

You remember Snoopy writing his books always started with “It was a dark and stormy night?”  You have to do a lot better than that. You need to grab them.  This week’s assignment is to write a few paragraphs setting up the where, when, who of your book.  If the spirit hits you and you just want to keep writing, do it.  You might want to know where it’s going as well!  Sometimes the characters wander off by themselves and it might not be a bad thing if watched carefully. I once had a subplot that enthralled people; they wrote and nearly demanded I expand that thing out in my next book-and I obliged them. I mentioned a dog named Ruckus Rutherford in the Lyonsville Fiber Mavens series and by the fifth book, they wanted more of the dog-so we ended up with the Furry Family series about Fern Valley, just down the road, with Ruckus and all his buddies at the Sinclair Animal rescue; which morphed into the Tritown Zoo series-things have a way of meandering sometimes when your characters are allowed to develop into your plots. This week, you write the exposition of your book. This entire set of hints will each become an entire lesson soon, but you can get a head start by practicing with these little assignments. God bless and can’t wait to see some of your work!

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