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Spring Has Crowded Out Winter

The crocuses are all over the Yard!

The first day of Spring is officially March 20, but someone forgot to alert our neighborhood.  It was 78’ yesterday, and just the nicest little breeze which I couldn’t feel at all from the emergency room.

The day started out just fine: well, sort of; I got up and my leg hurt.  I had gone to bed with it hurting as well but normally, those of us with RA just figure a good night’s rest cures a lot of stuff.

It didn’t.  The area of my leg that hurt was red and swollen and hot to touch.  And it appeared to have a bump in it. My son the nurse said it could be a blood clot, I needed to have someone check it.

I figured, yeah maybe run up to the Urgent care and have it looked at.

Now the urgent care is next to the hospital, and when the nurse listened to the list of symptoms, she put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me down to the ER because that’s where they can do tests. They weren’t equipped she told me if I was on my way to a stroke. This did not cheer my disposition.

For the next three hours, they did tests.  Ultrasounds, blood tests, you know the drill.  And they finally came up with the idea I had a really badly sprained right calf muscle and I needed to sit with it elevated and iced for fifteen minutes out of every hour.

Right.  And run a farm, write books, take care of a fifteen-month-old and I never got to go outside because once they tell you there is something wrong, and although it’s not a clot as such, tt becomes serious.  Once they do that, you think you’re sick.

So today, I got up.  Rewrapped my leg in the ace bandage and went out to clean the yard and walk the baby and get the dogs out of the barn and into their summer pens.  They’re out there absolutely delirious with happy. The mama dogs are coming along well in their pregnancy. We expect babies by Easter. The CBW is thoroughly worn out, giving me a chance to write and let you know what’s going on.

I tried to direct the alpaca choir but they wouldn’t hum for me. They hum for grandpa.

In my sitting down times, I have been setting up specials for my fellow travelers.  From March 5 until March 9, Ninety Days to the God Habit is a free download on Amazon; really totally free just in time for you to get it and learn a new skill, get rid of a bad habit, learn new ones, all before end of lent or Easter or summer.

You need an easily understood, clearly detailed and effective way out of bad habits and mediocrity; this book aids you in learning a new path, clear, simple, scientifically proven to overcome bad habits and get closer to He who made all things. You are going to love this book!  If mediocre isn’t enough for you, get a new life! 

It’s a complete instruction on how to do it, includes journaling pages in the back and a suggested reading list; you’re going to love it!

And now I need to get along and take care of the dogs. You take good care of yourself-oh and check out the new jokes on giggles. Blessings to all on earth-Traveler

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